Cph Queer Theatre Festival 2021

For tickets and free admission bookings to all performances at other venues than Folketeatret, please visit the Performances and event pages here above.

Sponsors and Partners
Words fall short for us to fully express our sincerest gratitude for the Cph Queer Theatre Festival sponsors and partners.
Det Kongelige Teater
HIT | Copenhagen
Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg
Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst
William Demant Fonden
Nordisk Kulturfond
Det Kolde Bord
Kunstforeningen Gl Strand
Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride & EuroGames
Steel House Copenhagen
Foreningen af Danske Sceneinstruktører
Danske Dramatikere
Dansk Skuespillerforbund
Norges ambassade i København
Playmate Theatre Malmö

The word “ally” is a powerful one. It means someone who has your back and is on your side, because they know it is the right thing to do. Steel House Copenhagen is an ally and we are committed to equality. We want to support and create a free space for everyone. – Steel House Copenhagen