Tickets and advance booking for free admisson events, please visit
folketeatret.dk / teaterbilletter.dk

August 12, 16:00 – 18:00
Artist Gathering
August 13, 21:00-00:00 (Bar opens 18:00) Free admission
DJ Night
Cph Queer Theatre Festival invites you to the special DJ Night. Simon Muschinsky from the famous Danish band When Saints Go Machine will be spinning the music from 21:00.

August 14, 21:00-22:00 (Bar opens 18:00) Free admission
Cabaret Night
An International Cabaret night of two acts: The Harem Girl and The Shadow Man!
Shereen Zoumot. Let’s £@*$ in English!
A comic conversation between
the Harem Girl and the audience with some fun comic belly dancing.
Tinder profile: An Arab woman in Europe, and queer, wow! Isn’t it exotic? Looking for cuties.
Am I Your Harem Girl?
Novaduh The Mexican vedette who seeks to be constantly reborn by shedding his prejudices from his own skin.
Born from the shadow into the light, the shadow man both with body and voice, explains the experience of making love, and poetically moves with humour and self reflection, wow! Isn’t it erotic?
Expect the Unexpected.
Cabaret Night, Saturday the 14th of August in the foyer at Folketeateret.
Duration: around 40 minutes. Starting at 21.00, the bar opens at 18.00
Free admission
August 16th, 14-16:30
The Salon
Cph Queer Theatre Festival invites you to a Salon in the foyer of the Danish Royal Theatre. Here we will have an artist talk and debate the importance of queer theatre in established theatres. We will also present the Hot Meat project, where the festival is hosting a vivid spectrum recognized queer performing artists from all over the world. The Hot Meat recipe is simple, 4 playwrights, 4 directors, 16 actors and 1 designer have been chosen to create 4 original new plays, to be developed and premiered during Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride & EuroGames. During the Salon we meet the artists mid-way through the process. You will see the playwrights hand over their scripts to the directors and actors, and get to witness the first reading of the scripts, performed live. (max 20 min per script)..

Private Artist events

Director’s Workshop
Cph Queer Theatre Festival and The Association of Danish Stage Directors will have a workshop on Saturday 14/8 at 11-15.30 with the two directors Christoffer Berdal and Andrew Keates. Andrew Keates is an English director, internationally recognised for his political queer activist theatre. Christoffer Berdal is a Danish director who is wide-ranging in terms of genre, often directing performances that challenge society and are different from the mainstream in their expressions, although he does always stay true to the written word. Both directors are queer and curious to investigate which stories from the queer community can be included in the performing arts.
Together, they will lead a workshop for the directors involved in the Hot Meat project and also danish directors. The workshop main focus is on political theatre exchanges. You will get an up close and personal insight of both directors work methods, but also have the opportunity to bring your own work into play and in this way find new tools to take home and further develop.
The workshop is for the members of the association, but since international artists also participate, it takes place in English.
Location: LiteraturHaus – Møllegade 7, 2200 Copenhagen
Actors workshop
Cph Queer Theatre Festival and The Danish Actors Guild will have a workshop the 14/8 at 11-15.30 with the world-famous Moira Finucane, who is known for her touring cabarets. The workshop will be for the actors participating in the Hot Meat project as well as actors from the Danish industry. For Moira, creating queer art signifies bringing herself into play as a queer artist in its broadest form. This is done by introducing everyday elements that fascinate and layering them with an abstraction that challenges both the artist and the audience. In this way, you are ensured that there is always something new at stake in each moment. Moira is also an expert in sustainable performance arts by her creations of amazing live stream theatre.
The workshop is for the members of the guild, but since international artists will also participate, it takes place in English.
Location: Folketeatret Nørregade 39 – 1165 Copenhagen K.

Writer’s Workshop
Cph Queer Theatre Festival and The Association of Danish Playwrights will have a workshop on Tuesday 17/8 at 10-14.30 with playwright Tomas Lagerman Lundme and director Christoffer Berdal. Tomas has written a lot of queer drama for both television and theater and he writes queer poetry. Tomas is a poet – very interested in language and his work is based on his own personal story, on the life he has lived and lives today. He observes the world we live in from his own queer perspective. Gender and sexuality are fluid according to Tomas.
Christoffer Berdal is a Danish director who is wide-ranging in terms of genre, often directing performances that challenge society and are different from the mainstream in their expressions, although he does always stay true to the written word.
Berdal finds it very important to create room in the performance arts for queer stories and queer inclusion. Together they have created the performance Hate Crime, which will be playing during the Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride at Teater Republique.
The workshop is for the members of the association, but since international artists also participate, it takes place in English.
Location: Literatur Haus Møllegade 7 DK, 2200 København
August 16th, 09:30-16:30
Industry Day
The importance of queer representation in performing arts
Arrivals and registration with tea and Coffee.
Welcome and presentation of the program of the day
Mikkel Harder, Director of The Development Platform
Lars W. Thomsen, Artistic Director of CPH Queer Theatre Festival
Panel Debate: Why queer theatre?
Introduction to Networking. Lars W. Thomsen, Artistic Director of CPH Queer Theatre Festival and Aline Storm, Deputy Manager and
Producer of The Development Platform
Coffee/tea break
Networking: Industry meeting of queer artists at the balcony
Gathering – sum-up of networking session
Lunch – walk and talk.
Artistic talk from an established venue and artist.
Artists presents Hot Meat projects
Reading of new scripts from Hot Meat projects: ( 20 min. + 20 min. break 20 min. + 20. min.)
On The Way To The Sawmill by Teatro4m (ES) at Folketeatret
Q&A with Artistic Director of ‘On The Way To The Sawmill’ by Marco Magoa
Ramona Macho Cabaret at Folketeatret Foyer
Berghain by Magnus Iuel Berg at The Royal Playhouse.
Performances are not included in the participation fee.

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